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Kemi Bijas Blog LogoI got this post but I am posting it in précis. .

The post said our grandpas had side chics, the wives knew when the ‘Ales’ go to the farm to collect foodstuffs from husband therefore, they respected themselves by staying away from the farm that day.

Husband would tell wife ‘’I am going out’’

Are you still coming back? Mama would ask.

Husband would reply ‘’No, you may lock the door’’

Case closed. Mama knows he would spend the night with Ale. But by the next morning, his food would be ready and not poisoned by mama.

Sometimes children bring home someone to present to mama as proposing spouse, mama would say NEVER and in no way tell you that the child was sired by your father. She would do anything to separate you.

Elder brother dies and husband inherits wife but mama would politely oblige.

I can hear you say rubbish, radarada, Nonsense……

Those mothers could have killed husbands or Ales but knew the implications of broken homes; they suffered indignities so that her children would be where they are today. Because if they didn’t suffer those ‘’nonsense’’ their children wouldn’t go to school.

It is not surprising that the women lived long to 80 or 100 yet those who can’t take it hardly live up to 65!

Granny lived up to 90 due to old age but her daughter died at 50 because of BP.

Peace of mind is optional.

Even Sarah organized side chic for Abraham until Hagar used oversabi spoil am.

i do not know the writer but even when he seemed to be making some feeble attempt at sense, I sincerely call it radarada, nonsense too. Obsolete reasoning. Many men are still delusional to think modern wives would subject themselves to these kinds of humiliation. Any reason why you see that Papa’s lifestyle had taken him early to the grave and mama is still enjoying her life at old age.

Miss Shunway waves a band.

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